Whatuaho, Tauira Karapa and Hine Tauira are all siblings and offspring of Rakahore and Ukurangi.
Whatuaho represents stones like obsidian,greywhacke, chert, huka-a-tai. Tauira Karapa is one of the atua associated with all the kinds of pounamu in the early days of the world, including kawakawa, auhunga, inanga, toroapunga, kahurangi and matakirikiri. Hine Tauira represents something a little more mysterious, sometimes a kind of flint stone, or something “sacred”. Some descriptions of Hine Tauira connect her to a stone that is bright, gleaming, and evil. Though it is likely this is an altered interpretation by early Pākehā.
Do you know any of these kōhatu? Could you find them near where you live?
Kura Pounamu
Rangimoana Taylor, Lisa Ruaka Reweti, Gavin Reedy and Rhonda Paku talk about their pounamu tāonga and why it's meaningful for them.
From Te Papa Tongarewa in conjunction with the exhibition Kura Pounamu (2018).