With the help of our whanaunga at Te Kura o Te Pāroa, Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Awa and Creative NZ, we’ve developed a couple of printable resources in te reo Māori and English.
These resources can be printed black + white on A3 and folded into a booklet. We’ve also provided digital versions if you’d like to reconsider printing and folding 30 booklets for your classroom!
To make paint like our tīpuna once did, you can use tree gum (he pia) to bind whenua to a surface. This printable resource introduces some of our native rākau that you can use to make natural art materials that can safely be returned to te taiao.
He Waihanga Peita
- How we make paint
We’ve created a simple guide that can be used as a starting point to make water-colour paint from whenua. Whether you like thick and textured paint, or a smooth and fine look - use these basic instructions, to develop a paint that suits the way you work!
Folding a zine
Ok, so you’ve printed out some A3 resources… Now what? Follow the instructions below to complete your foldable 8-page zine.