Zine by Kahu Kutia (Ngāi Tūhoe) - Feb 2023

Zines (generally pronounced zeen) are handmade publications, generally created in a scrapbook style, cutting words and images out of magazines or books and pasting them together to create new work. Some people distribute and share their zine, but scanning it at a photocopier and printing out copies. They’re a fun way to wānanga, to create new ideas while working within the limits of the words and images you have. They’re also a cool way to reuse old magazines you might have lying around. I found some old science publications that talked a lot about soil, and decided to remix them to make this booklet, responding to the idea of whenua, ūkaipō, and tūrangawaewae.

If you’re keen to make your own pukapuka, check out our zines about painting with whenua, gum binders and resources in the taiao. There’s also a link for how to fold a zine.


Connecting to ngā atua: new works by Māori Mermaid


A Place of Quietness –Jessica Gerbic on Reconnection and Mauri Tau