There are many people creating beautiful online resources that can help us build our relationship with the taiao.

Here are some links to external sites where tangata whenua are connecting with the land with a creative educational focus.

Off Grid Native

Check out this video where Off Grid Native creates a paint to adorn his whare.

Follow Off Grid Native on Facebook and YouTube

Through these two platforms, Off Grid Native teaches Māori survival skills and off-grid living. He is passionate about sharing his skills, and empowering others with freedom and choice.

Video still from ‘Kōkōwai’ produced by the Ministry of Education

Video still from ‘Kōkōwai’ produced by the Ministry of Education

Ministry of Education

I Kōkōwai, ka whāia te kōhatu mai i tōna pūtakenga ki te whakamahinga ōna hei waituhi.

Kōkōwai follows the stone from its origins in the landscape to its processing into paint.

See full video here

Atua and the Periodic Table - NZASE

The New Zealand Association of Science Educators have developed a resource based on the research of Ruihi Shortland which explores the relationship between Pūtaiao and Western science.

Kahu Pūtoi

Kahu Pūtoi is a network of Māori-medium kaiako and teachers of te reo Māori in early childhood settings, and school/kura settings. It is a space where kaiako can talk, share, and collaborate across kura, and where they can get timely support from each other.

Whakapā mai

Please let us know if you’ve created or come across any kōkōwai content online. We’d love to share it here.


Mana Whenua publication


Kupu o te whenua