Hana Pera Aoake

Ngaati Hinerangi me Ngaati Raukawa, Ngaati Mahuta, Tainui/Waikato, Ngaati Waewae, Waitaha, Kaati Mamoe

Hana is an artist and writer living in Te wai pounamu

In 2020, they published their first book 'A bathful of kawakawa and hot water' with Compound Press. Hana is primarily interested in the relationship between human and non-human entities and how that informs a te ao Maaori worldview.

Hana likes to experiment with different materials to see what happens and especially loves playing with plants, textiles, uku, kokowai and bits of Ruaaumoko.

The images below were kindly provided by the artist.


Symphony Morunga


Bridget Reweti