Ross Hemera

Waitaha, Ngāi Tahu, Ngāti Māmoe

Based in Tauranga Moana

Ross explores the function of ancient rock art imagery; portraying traditional narratives associated with the land, migration, origins and pūrakau. His extensive mahi has enabled Ngāi Tahu to present its tribal identity to iwi and the world as an innovative expression of tikanga, mātauranga and mana whenua.

Through his time at Massey University Wellington as a Professor of Māori Art and Design, Ross influenced generations of Visual Arts students. He currently sits on the board of Aho i te Rangi - Ngāi Tahu Māori Weaving Trust, Ngā Aho - Network of Māori Design Professionals, and Paemanu - Ngāi Tahu Contemporary Visual Arts. There’s a lengthy interview on the Ngāi Tahu website by Moerangi Vercoe about how Māori rock art has influenced his lifelong art and design career.

The images below are documentation from the 2018 exhibition The Water Project at Aratoi which showcased Ross’ work “Ko Kārewa te Whakarare” (2018).


Ayesha Green


Nikau Hindin