Te Ara Minhinnick
Ngāti Te Ata
Te Ara Minhinnick is a ringatoi who works deeply with uku and whenua in her art practice. Her mahi explores kōrero and ideas around people, space and place, especially as those ideas relate to her homelands in Waiuku, where she was raised as a kōhanga reo and kura kaupapa kid.
There is a beautiful sense of responsibility, whakapapa, and connection in her mahi, through methods of practice that guide us gently into Mātauranga Māori in a modern context.
Te Ara has a Masters of Fine Arts from Whitecliffe College. For her first solo show TAU, Te Ara facilitated a series of wānanga, and most recently, she has collaborated alongside the collective dontbehohas to curate and participate in Toitū Te Moana, a collaborative show at Tautai Pacific Arts Trust.
You can check out some of her mahi on Instagram here: @te__ara
Or check out this artist profile