Sarah Hudson

Ngāi Tūhoe, Ngāti Awa, Ngāti Pūkeko

Sarah lives below Kapūterangi in Whakatāne

Alongside her fellow soil enthusiasts from Whakatāne, Lanae Cable and Jordan Davey-Emms, Sarah founded Kauae Raro Research Collective in 2019. Since then she’s dedicated her time to relearning and embodying the ways her tīpuna used earth pigments as an art material, in ceremony and as rongoā (medicine). She published Mana Whenua in 2020 and presented at Pigments Revealed, an international earth pigment symposium in 2021.

Sarah is also a member of Mata Aho Collective who have exhibited extensively since their first exhibition and residency at Enjoy Contemporary Art Space in 2012. Inspired by customary Māori textile practices and industrial materials, Mata Aho create large-scale installations with a single-authorship. The collective were nominated for the Jane Lombard Prize for art and social justice in New York in 2020 and were awarded the Walter’s Prize here in Aotearoa in 2021.

Check out more about Sarah’s practice on her website.


Nikau Hindin


Ana Iti